
Saturday, January 29, 2011

God Gave Me This Day

I was walking to my nine o'clock class today and an interesting thought popped into my head.  Why am I alive today?  Is there some reason why God has given me another day to live?  And then I thought to myself what if I lived every day of my life as if there was.  On any given week day this is how my day pans out:  wake up hours before I have acquired a sufficient amount of sleep in order for me to function properly, walk to class with my headphones in, ignoring everyone I see, show up to class half awake, repeat this process until I have gone to all my classes and then go home and do home work.  To most of you (including me) this may seem like a perfectly fine way to go about your day.  Your tired so you don't want to talk to anyone, your busy with school so you go to class, you want to do good in school so you pay attention in class and ignore every one around you.  I feel that God calls us to go about our day a little different.  This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118: 24, ESV).  There is one key point that I want you to notice about this scripture.  It says "let us rejoice and be glad in it," not "let us rejoice and be glad in it we feel good or are well rested or aren't busy."  The point I'm trying to make is that we need to be perceptive to God and his will for our lives daily.  I feel as christians we take life for granted.  God clearly warns us about living our lives this way in James 4: 13.  Now I'm not telling you to skip class or talk during the entire class period or something ridiculous like that.  Im just saying live everyday for God and to be perceptive to his will throughout the day.  God has given you this day for some reason.  Be that to share the gospel with a specific person or to just make much of him and less of you.  As christians we have to start living our lives different.  So i'll end this with the same question I asked before.  Why am I alive today?

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