


What up guys my name is Logan.  I am a sophomore in college and hopefully one day I will become an electrical engineer.  I am a pretty easy going guy and I love being around people.  I enjoy long walks on the beach with my cat ha... not really.  My musical preference is pretty much anything where the vocals are completely unrecognizable or completely absent... aka hardcore music, death metal, dubstep and trance.  I am addicted to adrenaline so I do crazy death defying stunts whenever possible such as rock climbing or parkour or skateboarding.  Sadly enough college has taken over my social/ fun life, which means these activities are few and far between.  I love Jesus and am here to proclaim his name.  If that bothers you, thats fine with me.  I actually prefer it if you do have a problem with it, because hopefully that means me and you can have some very good conversations about life and God (I really hope this happens btw).  Notice I didn't say religion, because that doesn't save... Jesus does.  

Why these pictures you ask?  Because every chance I get I want people to see my poop hat and my gauges. Ha. Thats why. I know what your thinking... what is a poop hat Logan?  Its the blue thing on my head... My twin Justin has coined this term so don't try to take it because you want to be cool.... but why poop?  Well I'm glad you asked.  Poop refers to the facet that it looks like there is poop in the back of my beanie.  And if you really want to be cool you should wear your beanies as far on the back of your head as possible, the least contact your beanie has with your head the cooler.


In case any of you were not quite sure of the purpose for this blog, you have come to the right page!  As of right now I post my thoughts of the scripture I'm studying that day or week.  This accomplishes two goals.  I have a horrible memory so I would always forget the scripture I had studied a week ago ( I know, its pretty bad).  So this gives me a place where I can visit and remember what I read the week before.  Secondly it gives me a chance to share the gospel with anyone willing to read my blog.  And if you are a nonbeliever I hope/ expect to have good conversations with you.  I'm not here to shove the gospel down your throat. All I'm doing is letting you know what the bible has to say.  Some of my closest friends are nonbelievers and I have had some of the best conversations with nonbelievers about God.  So don't be afraid to comment on my blog.  The one thing I will ask you to do is respect me.  I'm going to respect you so if you could, do the same for me.

Thats all I have to say about that...

Stop reading this page....

No seriously, you should be reading my blog not about me.....